Aunt Barbara's Tattoo

Aunt Barbara's Tattoo

To Zachary with Love

By Barbara Bock, Zachary's Second Cousin (or Aunt depending on how you look at it)

When I first heard that your close friends and family were thinking about getting tattoos in your honor, I knew right away that I wanted to get something that reminded me of you, something that I could carry with me for the rest of my life.
I decided to design my own tattoo because I wanted it to hold a deep personal connection to you.

The heart represents your big heart and how you gave love so freely to the world and all of the people in your life, including me and your cousin Jeremy. It also represents the love that I have for you and always will.

The wings are soaring high. They show the potential that you possessed. The wings also remind me that delicate things can be powerful too. You were a powerful little guy and you made a big impact on so many of us.

The halo is sort of obvious. But I wanted it to shine super brightly because that's how I see you: your light and your laughter were infectious. When I look at the halo it reminds me of your smile and I can still hear your laughter.

The banner displays the day that you were born and the day that you died so that I can look back and remember all the days in between: every Christmas, every birthday, beach day, trips to the museum, seeing Counting Crows perform in the Berkeley Quad, mornings at the bus stop, play dates and sleepovers with Jeremy, and so much more.

I placed the tattoo on the inside of my arm because it's close to my heart and when I go to sleep I lay my head on the tattoo and I feel closer to you. It is a permanent and constant reminder of you and I cherish it because I cherish every moment we had together.